Hutatma Pattern
Hutatma sugar factory has very compact operational area & it consists of only 8 villages and 7 hamlet |
It is living industrial memorial of Kisan Ahir who scarified his life for global cause of national freedom. |
Krantiveer Nagnathanna Nayakawadi is guiding star & moving spirit of factory. |
The complete erection work of factory is completed & it was ready for commissioning with shortest period of only 11 months. |
The factory has earned name & fame in India for achieving highest recovery of sugar & has won first prize continuously for highest recovery at state and national level |
Nagnathanna Nayakawadi who is founder but not share-holder of this sugar factory. It is unique example in India. |
For avoiding losses of recovery & to crush cane within a shortest period after harvesting cane. The karkhana has implimented new Hutatma Pattern for harvesting & transport. It also helps in producing best quality sugar which automatically fetch best & highest price in market. The factory has always given highest price to members and non-members for supply of their cane. The cane payment is made regularly without any delay. |
The factory has completed tar roads in every village of operational area. |
In factory area small and large 29 lift irrigation projects on co-op. basis are being established with a view to supply perennial irrigation facilities to cultivators and to bring green and white revolution for all round development of area. |
The economics and social uplifts are two strong wings of our factory. It's motto is "Live and let Live others" The factory looks after welfare of dam affected people by solving their economic, social and domestic difficulties. |
Factory provides free lodging and boarding facilities to students of Hutatma Vidyalaya by providing financial assistance. |
The factory gives special considerations to general welfare of it's employees besides giving remunerative salaries eq. quarters, and bonus |
For the first time in India a person of S.C. was elected as a Chairman of factory. Chances of chairmanship were given to persons from various castes like Maratha, Jain, Boudha, Muslim. The OBC lady Candidate was unanimously elected as chairman. |
The Points Touching The Achievements of Top Most Sugarrecovery Are Summerized in Brief |
To plan harvesting & transport of cane on matuarity basis, first of all, cane sample survey, in detail, from the area of operation as well as out-station is invariably undertaken from August to October to assess the percentage of sucrose contained in cane and its trend. This survey is to be completed on the data available from the cane growers such as dates of plantation and harvesting of cane. This primary survey is not considered to be final, but it is useful to design finally the programme of actual harvesting purely on maturity basis. In particular, from the month of November onwards, maturity of cane is considerably reaching high and because of this crushing operations of factory commence in the month November, From the beginning, the harvesting of cane for crush is planned/implemented on maturity from maximum to minimum on the base of recovery fixed by the management. |
To make awareness amoungst labourers and bullock cartsmen, the joint meeting of them is organized at factory site in which prons and cons of harvesting of cane from bottom portion of cane are explained. The sucrose percentage in cane contains high in its bottom portion. To bag sugar in maximum, its harvesting from bottom portion of cane, in specific, is to be carried out. To harvest cane for crush from its bottom at the level of earth, labourers and bullock cartsmen are motivated/ encouraged by paying extra in addition to normal charges being incentives. |
Specific efforts are made to keep time lag between cane harvested and its crush as minimum as possible. However, 80% of total cane is transported and crushed within 8 to 12 hours from its harvesting. In the event of late crush of cane from the time of its harvesting in the fields, proportionate loss in weight of cane as well as sugar recovery is reflecting. |
Due precaution from the management of factory is taken to minimize stock of harvested cane in caneyard. In particular, the stock of harvested cane for crush is to be minimized to be zero level at 12.00 noon. In other words, all cane available in caneyard for crushis to be crushed in full at 12.00 noon. Taking into consideration, the requirement of cane for each hour, harvesting and transport programme of bullock carts and vehicles is arranged in a manner, and strictly followed. |
To avoid the loss of cane juice through bagasse, good cane preparation at maximum is effluencial factory for which the unit of fibrizer is installed. The mill setting with correct alignment would have been adjusted in such a manner to extract juice more and to maintain rate of crush with efficiency. The result of it is maximum utilization of installed capacity of the plan and machinery and possibility to crush more quantity of cane within minimum duration of season. |
To bring down sugar loss through molasses as minimum as possible, three and half or four massecuite boiling system is in operation in our unit. To operate it with remarkable results, technically advanced machinery with adequate capacity is installed. Ultimately, it is helped a lot proportionately to reduce sugar loss through molasses. |
To control sugar loss through filter cake, overhauling and maintenance of Oliver filter during off-season is carried out with due care and even during season concentrated attention is provided in its operation with a view to minimize loss of sugar through filter cake. |
To control unknown sugar losses at various points in the factory, weighment of cane, juice and sugar etc. are correctly recorded. Overflow of juice and massecuite, leakages through pump glands and spillages are invariably avoided. To achieve this though it is negligible, overhauling and maintenance of each station of machinery is undertaken and completed with a idea to run trouble free. |
In the area of operation of our factory, cane growers, in particular, are motivated and encouraged to plant the variety of Co-86032, Co-671 which contains and preserve high percentage of sucrose constant continuously for longer period. |
The are of operation of the factory is spread over with in the radius of 10 k.m. The greatest advantage is that the maximum quantity of cane is brought by bullock carts for crush. Similarly, cane for crush from neareby and adjacent areas is also potched through bullock carts and vehicles. In general, the time lag between harvesting and actual, crushing is minimized. In the event of break downs of bullock carts during transport of cane, the mechanical crew of the factory meant for this is attending and undertaking in time to get break-down bullock carts repaired within the shortest time with free replacement of spare parts at the costs of the factory. The result is to ensure the transport of cane in time and fresh cane is made available to feed the plant. Due to all these consolidated efforts, "Hutatma Factory" stood on top all over the country in the area of achievements of "Highest Recovery of Sugar" and "Better Quality of Sugar". |