
Nagnathanna established co-opertative Sugar Factory at Walwa in 1981. In year double injustice was done with Farmers by Goverment and by Neighbouring Sugar Factories. The state goverment denied good road demand of farmers and neighboring factoires have paid off land revenue from cane bills of farmers which was not paid by peasants to goverment. Nagnathanna decided to set up new and separate co-operative sugar factory with a view to bring social, economical, cultural, educational and all sided developments of region and to make farmers self -reliant, fearless and free from political bandage. Then by arranging a large meeting he convinced the farmers about separate co-operative sugar factory.

The difficulty of raising funds of share capital was solved by Nagnathanna with the help of farmers from region. The factory was finally registed on 29-06-1981. The factory erection was completed within short period of 11 months.

The members of Sugar factory increased year after year. All the members belongs to various caste, creeds, religions etc. Factory has very compact opetational area and it consists of only 8 villages and 7 hamlets.

Registration Details -

   Registration Number - S.A.N./P.R.G./A4 Date : 29/06/1981
   Intention Letter Number - L.I. 125(B), App.No. 389/78 Date : 26/03/1981

   Industrial Permission Number - C.I.L. 26(84) New Delhi Date :28/01/1984

   Pan Number - AAAAH0391L

   GST Number - 27 AAAAH0391L1ZM

2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 2016-2017
 Crushing Capacity (TCD) 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500
 Cane Crushed(Lac M.T.) 5.04 6.14 5.56 5.79 6.02 6.98 6.47
 Sugar Production (Lac Qtl) 5.67 7.24 6.76 7.33 7.61 9.04 8.42
 Sugar Recovery 11.70 11.80 12.18 12.68 12.65 12.95 13.01
 Sugarcane Rate (/Ton Rs.) 3000 2950 3094.30 2968.28 3068 3032 3325